Dear Tina Fey,

Dear Tina Fey,

You are an incredibly talented comedic actress, your writing is on par with such luminaries in the comedy world as Jennifer Saunders and the Pythons and your commentary on society is both clever and honest.

I just have one problem.

Can you please STOP pretending to be some dowdy old housewife in the roles that you choose?

I’ve recently become a fan of 30 Rock and time after time there are jokes about Liz Lemon’s unattractiveness, dorky fashion choices, frumpy figure and her age.  She is referred to as everything from a lesbian to a man to the most horrific choice a man could dare to go out with.

This wouldn’t be such a problem for me except for the fact that you, Tina Fey, are none of these things.  And what’s worse is that YOU, Tina Fey, are the creator of the character and head writer for the show which means you are directly responsible for propagating the lie. 

I understand that there are laughs to be played from picking on Liz Lemon and highlighting her flaws, but come ON Tina Fey, enough is enough.


I just watched Date Night and yet again we see frumpy housewife although perhaps not highlighted quite so much as with the Liz Lemon character.  And I also recently watched Mean Girls, where your character, Ms Norbury, is once again depicted as this undesirable being.

Tina Fey, you are HOT.  Okay?  There’s no denying it.  You are beautiful in a classical way, you are slender, you are funny and, let’s face it, you know it. 


Yeah you do.

If you keep trying to convince people you are this saggy old lump, then I’m sorry, but you’re doing more damage than good. If you are meant to be the epitome of unattractive, then what does that say for the rest of us out there?

And yes, the irony that I am a single MAN in his early 30’s about to enter into a feminist rant is not lost on me, but as a leader for young people, I feel it is necessary to point out a few things.

Women out there who are feeling intimidated by this ridiculous standard of beauty that you are supposed to aspire to, just STOP IT.

Young girls out there who are striving to attain this idealised model of perfection, just STOP IT.

Older women who are resorting to deforming your faces in an attempt to look younger, or more desirable, just STOP IT.

Can someone explain to me why oh why Olivia Newton John did that to her face?!  She was gorgeous and now she just looks silly. Courtney Cox on Cougar Town…your mouth shouldn’t look like that!

STOP IT!!!!!

Sexy is NOT being stick thin with a massive chest and long blonde hair. Sexy is NOT big pouty lips and eyebrows near your hairline. Sexy is NOT orange tinted skin and bleached hair (I’ve never in my life looked at a cheese Twistie™ and thought “I wish my girlfriend looked like this”).

I know that what is considered sexy is subjective, but here's my thoughts:

Sexy is being yourself and accepting yourself, having a sense of humour and being comfortable with it.

Sexy is being mysterious and modest and not wearing minimal clothing to get attention.

Sexy is looking like you’ve lived life, not erasing all signs you might have ever laughed.

Sexy is being healthy, looking healthy and feeling healthy.  Healthy women (and men) have contours that are not the result of protruding bones.

Sexy is you, Tina Fey. Now just accept it, embrace it, and let’s all just get on with it.

Yours sincerely,

Mark McBabe.


  1. Her self-depricating humour works. I see no issue with it at all!

    There's so many more people out there that are in positions, similar to Tina Fey, that this rant could be for.

    She writes, stars and produces her own show! She's a legend and humble about it. Listen to or read her autobiography BossyPants. It's a crack up and great insight into her well thought out process of writing.

  2. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Tina Fey, but it's just a little hard to swallow that she's some sort of undesirable.
